By now it’s quite clear that Twitter is a social media superpower. It seems that every celebrity is now tweeting away about this or that, but there was once a time where only a few celebrities expressed their opinions in 140 characters or less. Here’s a selection of our favourite first tweets by celebrities…

5: Ellen

Being the Queen of one of America’s biggest chat shows should mean you have a seamless transition into the chatty world of Twitter. Well, not quite. The chat show host was, erm, lost for words. We think the finishing line of “is this anything?” sums up celebrities first tweets.


4: Tom Hanks

When one of the biggest movie stars in the world arrives on Twitter, you know it’s getting big. The legendary Tom Hanks announced himself on Twitter in typical Tom Hanks style, with a good humoured ‘testing’ tweet.


3: Tyra Banks

The model and TV presenter clearly wanted to make a good first impression on Twitter, trying so hard that she ended up, well, giving up. It makes for a pretty funny first tweet, though…


2: Neil Patrick Harris

The ‘How I Met Your Mother’ actor pretty much sums up Twitter with his very first post. Exciting to be part of, not knowing half the people who’ll going to see what you tweet and running out of characters is Twitter in a nutshell. Neil nails it with this tweet.

1: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah’s arrival on the Twitter scene confirmed it’s growth into social media stardom. Her first tweet was an accurate representation of how most people felt when they first jumped onto the Twitter scene: modern.


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